HIStory Bible Timeline

The purpose of HIStory Bible Timeline is to enable the student to see the main events in the Bible and to understand the Bible as one book with one story—HIS Story! This pictorial timeline is made up of images, each keyed to an event in the book HIStory: From Event To Event The Bible Is One Story

HIStory Timeline front web

HIStory Flash Cards

Event 1 ...Before the Beginning GOD Exists in His Glorious Glory!!!Event 2 ...In the Beginning GOD Creates so His Glory will be Seen!Event 3 ...Man Sins and Dies Spiritually! GOD Promises THE SEED to Bring Spiritual Life!Event 4 …GOD Destroys the Distorted Image of His GloryEvent 5 …GOD Creates and Scatters the NationsEvent 6 …GOD Creates the Nation of IsraelEvent 7 …GOD Sends His Nation, Israel, to a Foreign LandEvent 8 …GOD Delivers IsraelEvetn 9 …GOD Gives His Law to IsraelEvent 10 …GOD Brings the Nation of Israel into The LandEvent 11 …GOD Sends Judges to Rule Over IsraelEvent 12 …Israel Rejects GOD as her KingEvent 13 …GOD Splits the Kingdom of Israel in TwoEvent 14 …GOD Sends Prophets to the Northern Kingdom of Israel (Israel)Event 15 …GOD Sends Assyria to Take the Northern Kingdom into CaptivityEvent 16 …GOD Sends Prophets to the Southern Kingdom of Israel (Judah)Event 17 …GOD Sends Babylon to Take the Southern Kingdom into CaptivityEvent 18 …GOD Promises a New Covenant…THE SEED!Event 19 …GOD Brings Israel Back to The LandEvent 20 …GOD Calls Israel back to Himself…Then He is Silent…Event 21 …GOD Sends THE PROMISED SEED!!!Event 22 …GOD Anoints THE SEED!Event 23 …THE SEED DiesEvent 24 …THE SEED is BuriedEvent 25 …THE SEED Lives and is Seen!Event 26 …THE SEED Returns to GODEvent 27A …The Nation of Israel – Set Aside and Purified Until THE SEED ReturnsEvent 27B …The Church – THE SEED Sends His HOLY SPIRIT as Promised!Event 28 …THE SEED Returns in Glory!!!Event 29 …THE SEED Reigns!Event 30 …The Last Rebellion Against GODEvent 31 …GOD’s Great White Throne Judgment and the Lake of FireEvent 32 …Beyond the Horizon of Eternity GOD Exists Forever in His Glorious Glory!!!

HIStory is perfect for Bible studies, Home schools, Christian schools, and Sunday schools.  The HIStory Bible Timeline and the HIStory Flash Cards complete the curriculum, which includes lesson plans for 9 months (school year) and 11 weeks (quarter).

To purchase the HIStory Bible Timeline, the HIStory Flash Cards, or the HIStory Study Guide click on the "Store" button on the top right hand corner of Word Center Ministries' website.

© Sharon Jensen 1999-2022